The Call for Papers has closed!
Deadline for submissions: 1 March 2018 (deadline expired!)
Notification of acceptance: mid April 2018
Deadline for symposium registration for authors of accepted papers and posters: 31 May 2018
Participants are invited to submit the following types of contributions for the symposium:
Abstracts of up to 400 words may be submitted for international peer review. They should be written in English and provided as a Word file using this template. A brief biographical note (max. 100 words) should also be provided at the end of the abstract. Each author, either as sole author or coauthor, may only submit one paper proposal; each paper must be an original contribution that has not been published or presented before.
The organizers would also like to offer the possibility to present research findings or work-in-progress as a poster. A short description and biographical note should be provided.
All submissions must be sent electronically via the online submission system. When submitting authors will be asked to indicate their interest to submit a full paper after the conference. These papers will pass through an additional reviewing process. As with previous symposia, the proceedings of the Oxford Symposium will be published by Springer in the ICA series “History of Cartography”. Due to a restriction on the total number of pages, there is a possibility that not all papers submitted will be published. The decision as to which papers will be published will rest with the Editors whose decision will be final.